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UpSizeTI @ Events Around Town...




Come Apply For Over a 100 Promotional Models Positions

UpSizeToday Entrepreneur & Entertainment Magazine…
Are making some BIG moves… and you can too…!


UpSizeTI is a premier Marketing and Entertainment Company… We have clients throughout the country.  We Specializing in Marketing, Sales & Training… UpSizeTI and our Talent Scouts is looking for New Faces, to participate in our Mega Promotional Model and Artist Financial Workshop. Attend our FREE Financial Workshop. We will be teaching and introducing New Innovating way of Promoting Yourself and Our Sponsors, and how to GET PAID…

We’re having a registration party… All participants who attend and register, will automatically receive 2 FREE Tickets to UpSizeTI Career Financial Conference.  At the Conference you will meet all of our sponsors; in addition, you will also meet casting directors, entertainment lawyers, accountants, fashion designers and record execs that will extend personal invitations to you, for upcoming FREE auditions, photo shoots and events. First 100 participants are guaranteed work as promotional models for one or more of our sponsors.

Special Notes…

In the Subject Line write: RSVP Model and Talent Search…email To:


Also in the body of your letter be sure to include: Valid address and contact phone number…

Your First & Last Name… your skills: Model, Dancer, Actor, Singer etc… and a (1) snapshot.

An Application will be E-mail to you… All participants are encouraged to print out and fill out application in advance and bring it with you to the event along with… Any pictures, headshots, Music, Comp Cards, Resumes, etc… (Note: These items will not be returned)


Have a friend who’s a Model, Actor, or Dancer? Have them RSVP as well.


In addition, ALL participants that attend UpSizeTI Career Financial Conference and join forces with UpSizeTI will also receive a FREE 3 Days/2 Nights Trip for 2 to Disney World.
 (Guaranteed – Some restrictions apply*)


At UpSizeTI, our objective is as simple as 1…2…3:

(1) It is to educate you… (2) Market you… (3) Help you gain financial independence…

 For more information and registration details, sent your e-mail to 


Best regards,

Anthony "Dr. B" Young Sr.
CEO and Executive Producer 


Click Pics below

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