"The Only Answer to Corporate Downsizing... UpSizeToday!"
Proven Home Base Entrepreneur Magazine Helping Individuals Become Entrepreneurs... In a world that's changing rapidly everyday!

CAP-2 Needs You! Children Are People Too...
Third Times A Charm… “We’re Backkkk!”
We're seeking the TOP 500 Companies to become "Partners In Progress for Our Children"...
Sponsors to be recognize by our agency and magazine.
C.A.P.-2 is a vehicle that allows inner-city kids the opportunity to "hone and develop" their skills. We intend to give a sense of hope
and accomplishment, where none may exist. The problems plaguing our youth are in abundance as the media often illustrates.
The crime, gang violence, drug and alcohol abuse in our neighborhoods is having a devastating impact on our children.
As you can see, C.A.P-2's involvement is needed more than ever. And so is yours.
We believe our job as concerned people is to stimulate, motivate and educate our children. Only with proper funding and your support can we make a difference in the lives of the many, the needy and certainly the worthy... our children. Your involvement and assistance is vitally important for our continued existence and the program's success, lets become "Partners in Progress" for our children.
How can you help?
The proceeds from your generosity will help us meet the expenses of:
* Children special events and activities
* Administration costs
* Publication of our newspaper
* 2 purchase our educational / recreational center and camp site
Our projection and goal is to rise at least $500,000 - $1,000,000 within the next 90 days.
Example: If our expo exhibitors each donate only $1,000 we would had reach our goal at 100%.
For your commitment and generosity, your company will receive compensated via marketing and advertisement. (TBD)
Because we're a (501c3) If you’d consider investing or making a donation both options offers tax credits.
Your support of UpSizeToday Magazine and CAP-2 will help developed future journalists, authors, graphic artists, web-designers, photographers, actors, models, athletes and entrepreneurs. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration in joining me in this endeavor, the potential of this union is boundless... and I am positive it will create a win…win…win situation for all involved.
I appreciate you tremendously! This Isn't Business… It’s A Blessing! Lol...

Phase 1. UpSizeTI and CAP-2 Media Center
Here are some highlights to note some of the things we are in process of accomplishing. In phase one... First we're favorably located at 95 E. 161st Street in the heart of Yankee Stadium and across the street from the
Supreme Court. Our location provides us with high traffic and visibility
in the market we service.
In this space both companies coexist side by side because UpSizeToday Magazine is the parent company and CAP-2 is a private nonprfit program created to create young entreneurs. It only make good sense that the mentor and mentees be paired together to work side by side learning their craft and developing their skills in media, marketing and advertising.

Phase 2. CAP-2 Camp HaPaPa
@ CAP-2 Camp HaPaPa
"Gifts From Above"
• 2 ½ Hours From NYC
• Upstate New York
• 65 Acres
• 250 Beds
• All Year Access
• In-Kind Lending To Affiliated Agencies

Phase 3. CAP-2 Learning Center
Our facility will accommodate over 500 young adults 13-19 years of age providing them with not only a safe haven as an alternative the mean streets but also providing them with guidance to excellent. Through our innovative program CAP-2 “Children Are People Too” we are a faith base program offering children spiritual guidance and coaching in life skills; featuring our young entrepreneurship program.
We will start with 100 students setting up the first level of young leaders. Sponsored by whom? YOU and many others @ Ribbon cutting event…
Your support of UpSizeToday Magazine and CAP-2 would help developed future journalists, authors, graphic artists, web-designers, photographers, actors, models, athletes, entrepreneurs.